Hello Everybody!
In our current uncertain times, I would like to offer you a FREE WEEKLY Meditation & Relaxation class. You will find me online every Wednesday at NOON for around 20 minutes. Sessions will cover introductory deep breathing practices, visualizations for healing and stabilization, and simple Yoga Nidra relaxation practices. If you are interested, send me an email: [email protected] and I will send you a Zoom Link to attend online for free! Wishing you all well and safe! Much Love and Blessings, Hannelore
Hello Everybody!
In light of recent developments regarding the highly contagious Covid-19 virus, I feel a deep responsibility to be proactive in doing my part to help keep us and our community safe. One of the key recommendations at this time is to socially distance. Many people are already working remotely and schools are temporarily closing in some areas. Since I want us to be all safe and healthy, I will be offering all Yoga classes Online with Zoom from this point forward. It is very simple to attend as long as you follow the link which I will share with you prior to each session. Installing the app onto your computer, tablet, ipad, or smartphone makes things even easier. (I am happy to help you prepare prior to our next class if you have any trouble). When you sign in, you can choose to either opt-in for interacting with one another, or you can be a quiet participant (not seen). If you prefer not attending Online classes, you can come back to in-person classes when we are able to resume normally at the Durham Community Church. Please email me in order to let me know your preferences. Of course, I will be reassessing the situation as it unfolds and will keep you posted on any changes. New information about the virus is coming out every day and much is still unknown, but one thing that is clear is that we must all do our best to slow transmission from person to person as much as possible in order to make sure that our healthcare system can keep up with treating everyone in need. I am sending some more information below that shows the numbers which convinced me to take action earlier rather than later: Please be careful and take good care of yourselves. The most recent studies seem to be indicating that the virus can remain alive on hard surfaces such as plastic, metal, and glass for up to 3 days, on cardboard for 24 hours, and in the air, it may be viable for several hours. I think it is smart to be proactive in making sure that you have some storage of essential household goods, dry, and frozen foods, fever meds, prescription meds (if applicable). Additionally, I recommend to look at the CDC website for further information. It’s important to have peace of mind and to be prepared in case self-isolation is necessary or lock-downs become a reality here. Much Love, Hannelore
Hello Everybody!
We are starting a new 8-week session this week! We'll stay with the same times and places. • I will be offering a Reiki I Training on Saturday, May 2. It will run from 10 am to around 3:00 pm at Inner Balance in Newington. • Our Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse will be on Friday, May 8, from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm This will be hosted by Shilo Farm in Eliot, ME. • The next Reiki II Training will be on May 30, at the Community Church Durham. More information will come soon! Much Love, Hannelore UPCOMING WORKSHOPS!SCHEDULE |
AuthorThank you so much for your interest in learning more about the benefits of Yoga & Ayurveda. ~ Hannelore Categories
January 2025
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