We are currently discussing the different aspects of our being, the Koshas, and we work with them through Yoga Asanas, Pranayama and Mudras, including meditation and visualization. The word KOSHA can be translated as “sheath” or “layer” of the body, and refers to the multiple aspects of our being. These five to seven aspects are developing simultaneously. They are explained in depth in the TAITTIRYA Upanishads, which help us understand our path to spiritual development.
ANNA MAYA KOSHA is the Physical Body: ANNA means food, MAYA “consisting of” (while often translated as delusion/dream). The Anna Maya Kosha is the material dimension of our being sustained by food. It encompasses the anatomy and physiology of the body, including the five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space – that form the matrix of our body and the entire Universe. By creating a firm foundation within the physical body, we awaken to the other dimensions of our being. The PRANA MAYA KOSHA is the sheath of Prana or the vital life force within our body, which is connected with the breath, the chakras, Nadis (or meridians), and the Vayus (or inner winds and movement). Prana also surrounds the body, like an electromagnetic field, and extends further outward as we become more vital and energetic. The MANO MAYA KOSHA is the sheath, which contains our thoughts, feelings, sensory perceptions, and emotions (Samskaras). It is affected by past memories and current experiences. The INANA MAYA KOSHA is the sheath of knowledge and self-identity, and it is connected with the heart. This sheath is often incorporated into the Vijnana Maya Kosha. The VIJNANA MAYA KOSHA is the sheath composed of intellect, intuition, and inner awareness. It connects us with our inner wisdom and is responsible for deep insights. Achieving the state of wisdom connects us with our inner being (Buddhi). Finally, the ANANDA MAYA KOSHA is the sheath of BLISS. Achieving this state reveals THE SILVER CORD or Central Channel, which connects us with the Universal Mind. The connection between the Universal and the individual mind expands our vision beyond the Ananda Maya Kosha and may ultimately offer us Self-Realization.
AuthorThank you so much for your interest in learning more about the benefits of Yoga & Ayurveda. ~ Hannelore Categories
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