Winter has arrived with a clean blanket of snow in preparation for the Holidays. We already enjoyed an early Holiday party with the house full of friends, rich joyful conversation, and great food. Today, I taught my last Yoga class for the year and, again, felt how much I treasure my Yoga community! Thank you all for your continuous support and enthusiasm!
I wish you a quiet and peaceful holiday season and safe travels, wherever you might go! Although, many of us will enjoy a full house of company and family time, it is essential to take a break for reflection and meditation. Our Yoga practice helps us find inner peace, even in the midst of challenging situations. May we all enter the coming year with peace at all levels of our inner being, with family and friends, and with the world around us. The Yoga schedule for January is enclosed. During the coming semester, we will deepen our understanding of the Chakras. We will also apply Mudras, some chanting, and visualizations. In the second and third week of January, I encourage you to schedule some time for self-care to reset your body and mind. Let us call this a “Post-Holiday-Cleanse”. I hope you can join us at the studio to schedule a personal care package that contains effective cleansing tools and rejuvenating restorative poses with deep meditation. During the week following the workshops, I will offer short (15min) phone consultations for FREE! J Plan this coming month as YOUR time to re-align! If it is not firmly in your schedule, other activities will get in the way! As of March 1st, I will be raising my price for Ayurvedic Consultations to $135 for the initial session and $60 for follow-ups. However, if you book your 1 ½ hour session before February 28, you will pay only the former price of $108 with $50 for any follow-ups. Phone, FaceTime and Skype sessions are the same price. Please sign up via e-mail and send your payment to 13 Sunnyside Drive at your earliest convenience. As you have seen in the past, your favorite class fills up quickly. Have a wonderful Holiday season and a happy New Year! With much Peace & Love Hannelore
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AuthorThank you so much for your interest in learning more about the benefits of Yoga & Ayurveda. ~ Hannelore Categories
January 2025
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